Friday, June 29, 2018


It’s been over two months. TWO WHOLE MONTHS. I’ve pretty much been avoiding writing. I don’t even know why? At first it was because I had an ear infection, like a child(on and off for a month), and then it was because I was lazy and didn’t feel like pulling out this 7 year old laptop that takes 20 years to start up. So that’s that.

What’s new? I now have a 5 year old and we held her 5th birthday on Cinco de Mayo because my husband was going to be out-of-town on her actual birthday.  Two dance recitals were performed away. My middle has a flair for theatrics and I’ve never been (but I was just as proud of her big sister when she was 3) so proud of someone so tiny dancing to, “A Dream Is a Wish.” She knew EVERY. SINGLE. STEP. When it was my oldest turn, she performed it with such grace AND those facials, the facials! EN POINTE! My oldest also graduated pre-school. Next year she will attend a language immersion program, learning French, for kindergarten.

The Baby: (who isn’t actually a baby anymore) USED THE POTTY FOR THE FIRST TIME! I wasn’t even in there! The middle was going to the bathroom on the “big” potty and she called out that the baby had used the princess potty. Just like that. Like it was no big deal. Not like the hundreds of times I’ve put her on the potty and she started screaming. She’s also learned how to pee in the grass. It’s Summer and I don’t care anymore.

I’ve started a public Instagram account, (just in case anyone is actually reading this blog) writeandpeak. It’s more pictures of my home life, decor, travels, Cooper, and less about my children-for safety reasons and because there are some serious creeps in this world. I felt really really weird starting a blog and sharing these pictures because A. I’m not a professional photographer B. I’m not a professional blogger or writer  C. Nothing is stylized by a professional D. Who actually cares? E. What would others think?

But honestly, I just like the pictures. I realize I’m a stay-at-home-mom, who doesn’t travel that often (or brush my hair or get out of gym clothes). I’m a tad OCD, weekend wine drinker, every night tea drinker and chocolate eater, and my life isn’t all that exciting, but I LOVE pretty things and flowers, so that’s what you’ll get on my Instagram.

Upcoming post will be: Cinco De Mayo Party pictures, Lake house florals, NEW OBSESSION around my house, to include my Mother’s Day painting by Art By Natalie Taylor, and my upcoming trip to Williamsburg, VA. (Now I have to do more post, unless I decide to go back an edit this last section)

MIA* one time I texted my friend that she was "MIA" and she responded back with, "who is Mia?" I just got a good laugh at something that happened ten years ago...

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